Ice Cream Cone Container – Ice Cream Cone Container Prices

It is supported by some sources that ice cream first appeared in Ancient China 3000 years ago. The Chinese made the first ice cream by mixing fruit, honey and wine with the snow collected from the mountains. The ice cream that has come from those days to these days was initially served in glasses. Because it took quite a while for the cone to appear. The Ice Cream Cone was made by Italian immigrant Italo Marcioni in New Jersey in 1896 and the patent was registered in the name of Marcioni on December 13, 1903. However, this invention was not popular at first. In 1904, St. During the trade fair in St. Louis, a confectioner from Syria, E.A. Interest in Marcioni’s invention increased when Hamwi sold his pancakes in these cones. Later, ice cream shops started to offer the products they had sold in various containers until that day with cones. Since those days, the ice cream cone continues to be indispensable for ice cream lovers.

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Today, there are many companies that sell ice cream. In order for your customers to choose you among all these companies, both your product and its packaging must be good. The packaging should be both an advertisement for your company and offer your customers the opportunity to eat their ice cream more comfortably. At this point, as Mirza Printing; We produce ice cream cone containers for your ice cream cones in order for your company to reach wider audiences.


Ice cream cones come in different sizes depending on your company’s cone preference. Accordingly, the size of the ice cream cone container varies. By sending the cone you use to our company, you can learn the correct cone cup size with our expert graphic designer staff. The ice cream cone container prints, which are carefully designed and produced by our company, come to you with the most affordable prices. You can get information about ice cream cone container printing prices by contacting us through our site.
